Sweat Equity


One of the things that has been so good for me in this weird middle season of life has been working out. I have never had the time or the desire really to exercise a lot(or even a little). I’ve always been strong enough to do what I wanted to do and was very intimidated by sports from an early age. Except for Indian Leg Wrestling(thank you, Mr. Waller). I am a champion leg wrestler(more on this later). Real sports, however, terrify me. It still makes me sick to think of dribbling down a court in front of a gym full of people. Plus, I figured if Crystal, BJ, and Brandi were basically my sisters, I could just ride their coattails and be their cheerleader! Also, my first experience in sports playing t-ball for the illustrious Ponytails was not my finest moment. It started off okay when I proudly and quite surprisingly hit the ball and made it on base(seriously, this was a miracle), but then the next batter got a hit, and everyone including my parents began yelling for me to run home. Being the obedient first child I was, I tore off running and went to the car. Never touching home plate. I think we all knew then how it was gonna go.

Anyway.... about a year and a half ago, I saw a picture of a friend working out and decided I would really like to try it. At 47, I hated the way I looked inside and out of my clothes. I knew that whatever strength I’d counted on just having was not gonna cut it(if you are around 40, look out it happens overnight). Enter PJ Heffley. I set up a regular training schedule with PJ, paid the money(I know this is an issue but I figured I better commit), and started the process. I was sore and could not believe how out of shape I really was, but I actually loved the workouts! It challenged me(which I desperately needed), and really helped me mentally as much as physically. It also put me around people(which I also desperately needed). People who were working for the same things, who would keep me focused, who would laugh with me and encourage me (and yes, occasionally growl).

I cannot tell you how much better I feel. I am not even close to being an athlete or a CrossFit ninja, and I still have cellulite and a long way to go. BUT, I feel stronger, and I don’t hate my body (as much- I’m not gonna lie- it’s always gonna be a struggle 🙄). I also feel empowered. I am so thankful that I’m healthy and can move, and I love the challenges and successes.

I don’t presume to know all of your story, but as women, I feel like we put lots of other people and priorities above ourselves and quite honestly sometimes use that as an excuse, but it is SO IMPORTANT at any age to invest and prioritize our health!!! I wish now that I had started years ago, but I am also proud of how far I’ve come. If you are thinking about it and just can’t get motivated or are intimidated by the thought of it, find a buddy and DO IT!!!! Walk, swim, run (I hate, it but it works), bike, join a gym, or hire a trainer—-whatever you can do. You will be so glad you did, and we will gladly cheer you on! You can do it, beauty queen. I promise you can. ❤️
