A Cup of Cheer

Celebrating the season with some Jingle Juice at The Beauty Bar!

Celebrating the season with some Jingle Juice at The Beauty Bar!

Well, it’s my favorite time of year again(the MOST wonderful time of the year, in fact), and there is nothing more fun than enjoying a cup of your favorite cheer! I have so many happy Christmas memories of family and friends, and most of our celebrations have included yummy food and drinks. Actually, no matter what time of year it is, most of my favorite memories include yummy food and drinks…. So, I wanted to share some of my favorite holiday drinks with you to enjoy with your people as you make your own treasured memories!

First of all, there is wassail. I can’t remember a time in my life when we didn’t have hot wassail during the holidays and all winter long. My parents usually made the first batch on Christmas Eve and then for any other party we had when the weather was cold. I don’t know where the name wassail came from (hang on, I’m gonna google), but it’s basically hot spiced apple cider, and it’s SO GOOD. OK, so according to Wikipedia(the world’s most accurate news source), “Wassail is a beverage of hot mulled cider, drunk traditionally as an integral part of wassailing, a Medieval Christmastide English drinking ritual intended to ensure a good cider apple harvest the following year.” Wikipedia Huh…. good to know in case you’re ever on Jeopardy. Anyway, you can make wassail in a pot on the stove, a crockpot, or in one of the large coffee urns if you just take out the coffee parts. Below is the recipe, but you can adjust it to your own tastes!



2 Quarts Apple Cider

2 Cups Orange Juice

1/2 Cup Lemon Juice

1 Cup Pineapple Juice

2-3 Cinnamon Sticks

1 Tablespoon Whole Cloves

Sugar to taste

Red Hots

Mix all ingredients together and then simmer, strain, and serve! You can add wine, brandy, whiskey, or even apple pie moonshine if you want an extra kick. Red hots can also be added for a little color and added flavor.

Another fun and delicious party beverage comes from a wonderful women’s dress shop called Ringler’s in Denison, Texas. We grew up shopping there and loved everything about this swanky, boutique on Main Street, especially the people who owned and worked there. Herman, Connie, Tylene, and all the girls made sure you felt welcome when you came in, and they definitely made sure you looked fabulous and fashionable when you walked out. And at Christmas, they made sure you got a taste of Tylene’s punch.

Tylene’s Punch


Fifth of Vodka

1/2 Fifth Peach Schnapps

1/2 Fifth Creme de Banana

1 Large Can Frozen Orange Juice concentrate(do not add water)

1 Small Can Frozen Lemonade concentrate(do not add water)

32 Ounce Can Pineapple Juice

Mix all of the ingredients and serve from a punchbowl!

The next beverage on our holiday list is simple, fun, and best of all, PINK!! Jingle Juice is also served at several of my favorite boutiques(I’m starting to see a pattern…) including Panache in St. Jo, Texas. It’s perfect to sip while you shop or while you enjoy a night in with your best girlfriends.

Jingle Juice


1 Bottle of Whipped Vodka

2 Bottles Pink Champagne

1 2-Liter bottle of Cherry 7-UP

Cranberries or Maraschino Cherries for Garnish

This one is easy: mix it all together and serve over ice. Garnish with cranberries or cherries. Looks great in a sugar-rimmed glass as well. If you want to get fancy, freeze cranberries in the giant ice cube trays to keep it cold without getting watered down. Then Jingle all the way…..

Last but not least is a newer party favorite for those who have a thing for green….. Grinch Punch is the perfect throwback to the 1970’s when lime sherbet and Sprite were being served every Sunday afternoon at wedding and baby showers across America. Basic? Yes, but also yummy. This is a souped up version that kids and adults love. It’s non-alcoholic, but if you need the liquor, I’m sure you could figure something out….

Grinch Punch


1 Half Gallon Lime Sherbet

1 2-Liter Bottle of Sprite

1 Gallon Jug of Green Berry Rush Hawaiian Punch

1 32-Ounce Can of Pineapple Juice

Scoop the sherbet into your punchbowl; then pour half of all the juices and half of the Sprite in over the sherbet and stir gently. Serve in punch cups with red sugared edges if you want to be a little extra… This will sweeten up even the meanest grinch!

Well, friends, there you have it. Four yummy ways to celebrate the season. No matter what you serve or how you serve it, make sure to share it with the ones you love.

Merry Christmas, y’all!
